Young people - Get ready to engage with world leaders!
Complementing the Ages of Globalization course, a series of online live dialogues will offer an unprecedented opportunity for learners to directly engage with world leaders and UN officials. Moderated by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, as well as select guest moderators, the discussions will focus on how to solve the biggest challenges of our time, from peace and security to climate change, poverty, inequalities, environmental sustainability, and artificial intelligence. ​​​

Preparing tomorrow's changemakers
Young people will be at the forefront of global discussions, inspiring them to become the change makers of tomorrow. With tailor-made learning materials, live one-hour online dialogues, an interactive forum and social media campaigns, participants will widen their global awareness, foster critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills, and build confidence to become local leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Tackling complex sustainable development challenges
The dialogue series will focus on the biggest global challenges of our time and with the SDGs as a compass to identify concrete ways for young people to take action for
a more just, peaceful and sustainable world.
World leaders and young people will discuss how humanity can achieve PEACE & SECURITY, tackle CLIMATE CHANGE, end POVERTY, provide QUALITY EDUCATION for all, make FOOD & AGRICULTURE sustainable, transform GLOBAL HEALTH, unleash the power of DIVERSITY & INCLUSION and GENDER EQUALITY, harness DIGITIZATION & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for the common good, and unlock the potential of GREEN ENERGY and ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY.

Be part of the journey!
UN at Your Doorstep online dialogues are envisioned for secondary-school classrooms and assemblies, extra-curricular activities, Model UN clubs, community NGOs, welcoming young people from 14 years and up. But older students and life-long learners are also welcome to join! The sessions are interdisciplinary and can be integrated into a wide variety of high school courses and topics, such as social studies, foreign languages, science, literature, business, economics, government, ethics, history, arts, and more.
From learning to action
Participants will receive 45 minutes of pedagogical content to prepare for each live session, including background information about the world leader, UN organization, global challenge, and related SDGs. Before the live session, students will have the opportunity to submit and upvote questions.
During each live session, participants will meet with world leaders, discuss a global challenge, and brainstorm on concrete ways young people can take action in their schools, homes, communities and countries. Each session will be 1 hour + 20 minutes for an optional "Peer Exchange".
Post-dialogue, participants will receive an additional 45 minutes of pedagogical materials to develop a follow-up discussion about key insights and takeaways and to further develop and contextualize ideas for action and participate in a social media challenge.

Welcome to the UN at Your Doorstep Resource Hub!
Here, you'll find practical guides and pedagogical tools to seamlessly integrate this program into your educational setting. Each live session is supported by pre- and post-dialogue resources designed to engage young people in addressing today’s complex sustainable development challenges, bringing global issues and leadership directly into classrooms and communities. These resources can also be utilized after the dialogues, in combination with the session recordings.
This guide contains relevant practical information, including step-by-step instructions for participation, the syllabus, the live dialogue agenda outline and frequently asked questions.
UN at Your Doorstep Session #1
23 October 2024 from 8-9am ET + (optional) 20min Peer Exchange
UN at Your Doorstep Session #2
25 November 2024 from 11am-12pm ET + (optional) 20min Peer Exchange
UN at Your Doorstep Session #3
10 December 2024 from 9-10am ET + (optional) 20min Peer Exchange